Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First day of school

Well the kids started school Aug. 20, 2008 this year. Brooke is a senior, Ashley 8th grade, Lynsey 6th grade, Scott 1st grade. Jay D is in the 9th grade. If you are wondering why he is not in the pictures it is because he was at work with Corey and he didn't start until Sept.1, 2008. He is going to Wasatch Academy which is a private College Prep school. He is helping earn his money to go there, and so far is loving it. This summer flew by.


Heather said...

so cute and big! that's cool that JayD is going to Wasatch prep. How's he liking that?

Donalyn said...

He is loving it!!! Comes home everyday, does his homework and loves it. I hope he will stay that way.

Vicki said...

Dona your girls are so pretty. Thanks for posting the pictures.