I came over to Moms to feed the animals and Lynsey and Scott came with me. On the way back I thought I would check my email. I looked out to find Lynsey and Scott raking up my and Dad's leaves. Then they would jump into the pile of them. They are trying to bag them now, but there are so many I don't know if they will them all.
We went and got more wood yesterday. hopefully we can get enough to get us through the winter. Corey, Brooke, Colton, Jay D, Ashley, Lynsey, Scott, & I went up along with Tank and Colton's dog Ace. The first place that we went to had a ton on mean bees right away Colton was stung on the breast, then JayD shortly after on the arm by his arm pit, then a bit later Ashley was stung on the finger. They would come at you and just sting. We later moved to another place on up the Mountain and finished there. Dad, Mom, Jaymi, Kris, and Krew met us there and came and helped. It sure was nice...the old saying many hands make for light work is sure true. We got a nice big load, now just 2 or 3 more. We have already gone twice this summer with Jake, Brian, and their friend George, and our family. The last time Corey threw a big long tree trunk over and didn't look, it hit Scott in the head and split his head open, it took 4 staples I think to fix. He was lucky he had his hat on. I don't know how it didn't break his neck. Corey also made one trip and got a trailer load by himself. We burn alot of wood.