Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AKC Shows in Boise, Idaho

We left Wednesday afternoon Oct. 8 for Boise. We went with our friends Sherrie and Katelyn Scott and Jackie Fritz. Sherrie was kind enough to invite us to come along and camp with them in their trailer. Jackie came down from Wyoming. Sherrie wanted to make sure that Lynsey had her points to stay the top Novice Jr. in the Nation for Australian Shepherds. We hope she does. We don't have many shows in our area and so it is hard to do, some kids are able to make it to shows every weekend. While there my cousin Crystal Bigham Gibson picked us up on Saturday after teh shows and we spent the afternoon at her house with her family. Then her Husband matt brought their daughter Celeste to the ASCA show that night and Celeste showed for the first time and did a wonderful job. Lynsey went 1st the first day, then 2nd the second day, and then 1st again the third and fourth day, out of large classes. Ashley placed 4 the first day and nothing the rest of the time. Her and Katelyn both had very tough competion in their classes. Ashley had the top Jr. in her class who alway wins everything. Most important they had fun and enjoyed the trip. Jackis dog won a 3 point major towards his Championship, and her puppy went Best Opposite Sex puppy.


Vicki said...

I didn't know you got to see Crystal. That's cool. I guess I didn't know she lived in Boise either.

Heather said...

Looks like fun. You and the kids are getting to go so many cool places to do the dog shows. (okay Boise isn't cool but you got to get away and that is cool)

Donalyn said...

Well the weather was cool, literaly. It snowed on us. We really did have a fun time. We go to Vegas for 10 days next month, then we are done until next year, just in State shows. Next year we are back at Greely, Co. We were ther for the AKC Nationals in April.